Literal Overloading
Natural numbers
By default natural number literals are
mapped to the built-in natural number type. This can be
changed with the FROMNAT
built-in, which binds to a function accepting a
natural number:
{-# BUILTIN FROMNAT fromNat #-}
This causes natural number literals n
to be desugared to fromNat n
whenever fromNat
is in scope unqualified (renamed or not).
Note that the desugaring happens before implicit argument are inserted so fromNat
can have any number of
implicit or instance arguments. This can be
exploited to support overloaded literals by defining a type class containing fromNat
module number-simple where
record Number {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
field fromNat : Nat → A
open Number {{...}} public
{-# BUILTIN FROMNAT fromNat #-}
This definition requires that any natural number can be mapped into the given
type, so it won’t work for types like Fin n
. This can be solved by refining
the Number
class with an additional constraint:
record Number {a} (A : Set a) : Set (lsuc a) where
Constraint : Nat → Set a
fromNat : (n : Nat) {{_ : Constraint n}} → A
open Number {{...}} public using (fromNat)
{-# BUILTIN FROMNAT fromNat #-}
This is the definition used in Agda.Builtin.FromNat
A Number
instance for Nat
is simply this:
NumNat : Number Nat
NumNat .Number.Constraint _ = ⊤
NumNat .Number.fromNat m = m
A Number
instance for Fin n
can be defined as follows:
_≤_ : (m n : Nat) → Set
zero ≤ n = ⊤
suc m ≤ zero = ⊥
suc m ≤ suc n = m ≤ n
fromN≤ : ∀ m n → m ≤ n → Fin (suc n)
fromN≤ zero _ _ = zero
fromN≤ (suc _) zero ()
fromN≤ (suc m) (suc n) p = suc (fromN≤ m n p)
NumFin : ∀ {n} → Number (Fin (suc n))
NumFin {n} .Number.Constraint m = m ≤ n
NumFin {n} .Number.fromNat m {{m≤n}} = fromN≤ m n m≤n
test : Fin 5
test = 3
It is important that the constraint for literals is trivial. Here,
3 ≤ 5
evaluates to ⊤
whose inhabitant is found by unification.
Using predefined function from the standard library and instance NumNat
the NumFin
instance can be simply:
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; #_)
open import Data.Nat using (suc; _≤?_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (True)
NumFin : ∀ {n} → Number (Fin n)
NumFin {n} .Number.Constraint m = True (suc m ≤? n)
NumFin {n} .Number.fromNat m {{m<n}} = #_ m {m<n = m<n}
Negative numbers
Negative integer literals have no default mapping and can only be used through
built-in. Binding this to a function fromNeg
negative integer literals -n
to be desugared to fromNeg n
, where n
is a built-in natural number. From Agda.Builtin.FromNeg
record Negative {a} (A : Set a) : Set (lsuc a) where
Constraint : Nat → Set a
fromNeg : (n : Nat) {{_ : Constraint n}} → A
open Negative {{...}} public using (fromNeg)
{-# BUILTIN FROMNEG fromNeg #-}
String literals are overloaded with
built-in, which works just like FROMNAT
. If it is not
bound string literals map to built-in strings. From
record IsString {a} (A : Set a) : Set (lsuc a) where
Constraint : String → Set a
fromString : (s : String) {{_ : Constraint s}} → A
open IsString {{...}} public using (fromString)
{-# BUILTIN FROMSTRING fromString #-}
Currently only integer and string literals can be overloaded.
Overloading does not work in patterns yet.