Mixfix Operators

A type name, function name, or constructor name can comprise one or more name parts if we separate them with underscore characters _, and the resulting name can be used as an operator. From left to right, each argument goes in the place of each underscore _.

For instance, we can join with underscores the name parts if, then, and else into a single name if_then_else_. The application of the function name if_then_else_ to some arguments named x, y, and z can still be written as:

  • a standard application by using the full name if_then_else_ x y z
  • an operator application by placing the arguments between the name parts if x then y else z, leaving a space between arguments and part names
  • other sections of the full name, for instance leaving one or two underscores:
    • (if_then y else z) x
    • (if x then_else z) y
    • if x then y else_ z
    • if x then_else_ y z
    • if_then y else_ x z
    • (if_then_else z) x y

Examples of type names, function names, and constructor names as mixfix operators:

-- Example type name _⇒_
_⇒_   : Bool  Bool  Bool
true   b = b
false  _ = true

-- Example function name _and_
_and_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
true and x = x
false and _ = false

-- Example function name if_then_else_
if_then_else_ : {A : Set}  Bool  A  A  A
if true then x else y = x
if false then x else y = y

-- Example constructor name _∷_
data List (A : Set) : Set where
  nil  : List A
  _∷_ : A  List A  List A


Consider the expression true and false false. Depending on which of _and_ and _⇒_ has more precedence, it can either be read as (false and true) false = true, or as false and (true false) = true.

Each operator is associated to a precedence, which is a floating point number (can be negative and fractional!). The default precedence for an operator is 20.


Please note that -> is directly handled in the parser. As a result, the precedence of -> is lower than any precedence you may declare with infixl and infixr.

If we give _and_ more precedence than _⇒_, then we will get the first result:

infix 30 _and_
-- infix 20 _⇒_ (default)

p-and : {x y z : Bool}   x and y  z    (x and y)  z
p-and = refl

e-and : false and true  false    true
e-and = refl

But, if we declare a new operator _and’_ and give it less precedence than _⇒_, then we will get the second result:

_and’_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
_and’_ = _and_
infix 15 _and’_
-- infix 20 _⇒_ (default)

p-⇒ : {x y z : Bool}   x and’ y  z    x and’ (y  z)
p-⇒ = refl

e-⇒ : false and’ true  false    false
e-⇒ = refl

Fixities can be changed when importing with a renaming directive:

open M using (_∙_)
open M renaming (_∙_ to infixl 10 _*_)

This code brings two instances of the operator _∙_ in scope:

  • the first named _∙_ and with its original fixity
  • the second named _*_ and with the fixity changed to act like a left associative operator of precedence 10.


Consider the expression true false false. Depending on whether _⇒_ associates to the left or to the right, it can be read as (false true) false = false, or false (true false) = true, respectively.

If we declare an operator _⇒_ as infixr, it will associate to the right:

infixr 20 _⇒_

p-right : {x y z : Bool}   x  y  z    x  (y  z)
p-right = refl

e-right : false  true  false    true
e-right = refl

If we declare an operator _⇒’_ as infixl, it will associate to the left:

infixl 20 _⇒’_

_⇒’_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
_⇒’_ = _⇒_

p-left : {x y z : Bool}   x ⇒’ y ⇒’ z    (x ⇒’ y) ⇒’ z
p-left = refl

e-left : false ⇒’ true ⇒’ false    false
e-left = refl

Ambiguity and Scope

If you have not yet declared the fixity of an operator, Agda will complain if you try to use ambiguously:

e-ambiguous : Bool
e-ambiguous = true  true  true
Could not parse the application true ⇒ true ⇒ true
Operators used in the grammar:
  ⇒ (infix operator, level 20)

Fixity declarations may appear anywhere in a module that other declarations may appear. They then apply to the entire scope in which they appear (i.e. before and after, but not outside).

Operators in telescopes

Agda does not yet support declaring the fixity of operators declared in telescopes, see Issue #1235 <https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/1235>.

However, the following hack currently works:

module _ {A : Set} (_+_ : A  A  A) (let infixl 5 _+_; _+_ = _+_) where