Since version 2.6.1, Agda supports optional cumulativity of universes
under the --cumulativity
{-# OPTIONS --cumulativity #-}
When the --cumulativity
flag is enabled, Agda uses the subtyping
rule Set i =< Set j
whenever i =< j
. For example, in addition
to its usual type Set
, Nat
also has the type Set₁
and even
Set i
for any i : Level
_ : Set
_ = Nat
_ : Set₁
_ = Nat
_ : ∀ {i} → Set i
_ = Nat
With cumulativity is enabled, one can implement lifting to a higher universe as the identity function.
lift : ∀ {a b} → Set a → Set (a ⊔ b)
lift x = x
Example usage: N-ary functions¶
In Agda without cumulativity, it is tricky to define a
universe-polymorphic N-ary function type A → A → ... → A → B
because the universe level depends on whether the number of arguments
is zero:
module Without-Cumulativity where
N-ary-level : Level → Level → Nat → Level
N-ary-level ℓ₁ ℓ₂ zero = ℓ₂
N-ary-level ℓ₁ ℓ₂ (suc n) = ℓ₁ ⊔ N-ary-level ℓ₁ ℓ₂ n
N-ary : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} n → Set ℓ₁ → Set ℓ₂ → Set (N-ary-level ℓ₁ ℓ₂ n)
N-ary zero A B = B
N-ary (suc n) A B = A → N-ary n A B
In contrast, in Agda with cumulativity one can always work with the highest possible universe level. This makes it much easier to define the type of N-ary functions.
module With-Cumulativity where
N-ary : Nat → Set ℓ₁ → Set ℓ₂ → Set (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
N-ary zero A B = B
N-ary (suc n) A B = A → N-ary n A B
curryⁿ : (Vec A n → B) → N-ary n A B
curryⁿ {n = zero} f = f []
curryⁿ {n = suc n} f = λ x → curryⁿ λ xs → f (x ∷ xs)
_$ⁿ_ : N-ary n A B → (Vec A n → B)
f $ⁿ [] = f
f $ⁿ (x ∷ xs) = f x $ⁿ xs
∀ⁿ : ∀ {A : Set ℓ₁} n → N-ary n A (Set ℓ₂) → Set (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
∀ⁿ zero P = P
∀ⁿ (suc n) P = ∀ x → ∀ⁿ n (P x)
Currently cumulativity only enables subtyping between universes, but
not between any other types containing universes. For example, List
is not a subtype of List Set₁
. Agda also does not have
cumulativity for any other types containing universe levels, so List
{lzero} Nat
is not a subtype of List {lsuc lzero} Nat
. Such
rules might be added in a future version of Agda.
Constraint solving¶
When working in Agda with cumulativity, universe level metavariables
are often underconstrained. For example, the expression List Nat
could mean List {lzero} Nat
, but also List {lsuc lzero} Nat
or indeed List {i} Nat
for any i : Level
Currently Agda uses the following heuristic to instantiate universe
level metavariables. At the end of each type signature, each mutual
block, or declaration that is not part of a mutual block, Agda
instantiates all universe level metavariables that are unbounded from
above. A metavariable _l : Level
is unbounded from above if all
unsolved constraints that mention the metavariable are of the form
aᵢ =< _l : Level
, and _l
does not occur in the type of any
other unsolved metavariables. For each metavariable that satisfies
these conditions, it is instantiated to a₁ ⊔ a₂ ⊔ ... ⊔ aₙ
a₁ =< _l : Level
, …, aₙ =< _l : Level
are all constraints
that mention _l.
The heuristic as described above is considered experimental and is subject to change in future versions of Agda.