Lexical Structure

Agda code is written in UTF-8 encoded plain text files with the extension .agda. Most unicode characters can be used in identifiers and whitespace is important, see Names and Layout below.


Keywords and special symbols

Most non-whitespace unicode can be used as part of an Agda name, but there are two kinds of exceptions:

special symbols
Characters with special meaning that cannot appear at all in a name. These are .;{}()@".

Reserved words that cannot appear as a name part, but can appear in a name together with other characters.

= | -> : ? \ λ .. ... abstract codata coinductive constructor data do eta-equality field forall hiding import in inductive infix infixl infixr instance let macro module mutual no-eta-equality open overlap pattern postulate primitive private public quote quoteContext quoteGoal quoteTerm record renaming rewrite Set syntax tactic unquote unquoteDecl unquoteDef using where with

The Set keyword can appear with a number suffix, optionally subscripted (see Universe Levels). For instance Set42 and Set₄₂ are both keywords.


A qualified name is a non-empty sequence of names separated by dots (.). A name is an alternating sequence of name parts and underscores (_), containing at least one name part. A name part is a non-empty sequence of unicode characters, excluding whitespace, _, and special symbols. A name part cannot be one of the keywords above, and cannot start with a single quote, ' (which are used for character literals, see Literals below).

  • Valid: data?, ::, if_then_else_, 0b, _⊢_∈_, x=y
  • Invalid: data_?, foo__bar, _, a;b, [_.._]

The underscores in a name indicate where the arguments go when the name is used as an operator. For instance, the application _+_ 1 2 can be written as 1 + 2. See Mixfix Operators for more information. Since most sequences of characters are valid names, whitespace is more important than in other languages. In the example above the whitespace around + is required, since 1+2 is a valid name.

Qualified names are used to refer to entities defined in other modules. For instance Prelude.Bool.true refers to the name true defined in the module Prelude.Bool. See Module System for more information.


There are four types of literal values: integers, floats, characters, and strings. See Built-ins for the corresponding types, and Literal Overloading for how to support literals for user-defined types.


Integer values in decimal or hexadecimal (prefixed by 0x) notation. Non-negative numbers map by default to built-in natural numbers, but can be overloaded. Negative numbers have no default interpretation and can only be used through overloading.

Examples: 123, 0xF0F080, -42, -0xF


Floating point numbers in the standard notation (with square brackets denoting optional parts):

float    ::= [-] decimal . decimal [exponent]
           | [-] decimal exponent
exponent ::= (e | E) [+ | -] decimal

These map to built-in floats and cannot be overloaded.

Examples: 1.0, -5.0e+12, 1.01e-16, 4.2E9, 50e3.


Character literals are enclosed in single quotes ('). They can be a single (unicode) character, other than ' or \, or an escaped character. Escaped characters start with a backslash \ followed by an escape code. Escape codes are natural numbers in decimal or hexadecimal (prefixed by x) between 0 and 0x10ffff (1114111), or one of the following special escape codes:

a 7 b 8 t 9 n 10
v 11 f 12 \ \ ' '
" " NUL 0 SOH 1 STX 2
BEL 7 BS 8 HT 9 LF 10
VT 11 FF 12 CR 13 SO 14
SI 15 DLE 16 DC1 17 DC2 18
DC3 19 DC4 20 NAK 21 SYN 22
ETB 23 CAN 24 EM 25 SUB 26
ESC 27 FS 28 GS 29 RS 30
US 31 SP 32 DEL 127    

Character literals map to the built-in character type and cannot be overloaded.

Examples: 'A', '∀', '\x2200', '\ESC', '\32', '\n', '\'', '"'.


String literals are sequences of, possibly escaped, characters enclosed in double quotes ". They follow the same rules as character literals except that double quotes " need to be escaped rather than single quotes '. String literals map to the built-in string type by default, but can be overloaded.

Example: "Привет \"мир\"\n".


Holes are an integral part of the interactive development supported by the Emacs mode. Any text enclosed in {! and !} is a hole and may contain nested holes. A hole with no contents can be written ?. There are a number of Emacs commands that operate on the contents of a hole. The type checker ignores the contents of a hole and treats it as an unknown (see Implicit Arguments).

Example: {! f {!x!} 5 !}


Single-line comments are written with a double dash -- followed by arbitrary text. Multi-line comments are enclosed in {- and -} and can be nested. Comments cannot appear in string literals.


{- Here is a {- nested -}
   comment -}
s : String --line comment {-
s = "{- not a comment -}"


Pragmas are special comments enclosed in {-# and #-} that have special meaning to the system. See Pragmas for a full list of pragmas.


Agda is layout sensitive using similar rules as Haskell, with the exception that layout is mandatory: you cannot use explicit {, } and ; to avoid it.

A layout block contains a sequence of statements and is started by one of the layout keywords:

abstract do field instance let macro mutual postulate primitive private where

The first token after the layout keyword decides the indentation of the block. Any token indented more than this is part of the previous statement, a token at the same level starts a new statement, and a token indented less lies outside the block.

data Nat : Set where -- starts a layout block
    -- comments are not tokens
  zero : Nat      -- statement 1
  suc  : Nat     -- statement 2
         Nat      -- also statement 2

one : Nat -- outside the layout block
one = suc zero

Note that the indentation of the layout keyword does not matter.

An Agda file contains one top-level layout block, with the special rule that the contents of the top-level module need not be indented.

module Example where
NotIndented : Set₁
NotIndented = Set

Literate Agda

Agda supports literate programming with multiple typesetting tools like LaTeX, Markdown and reStructuredText. For instance, with LaTeX, everything in a file is a comment unless enclosed in \begin{code}, \end{code}. Literate Agda files have special file extensions, like .lagda and .lagda.tex for LaTeX, .lagda.md for Markdown, .lagda.rst for reStructuredText instead of .agda. The main use case for literate Agda is to generate LaTeX documents from Agda code. See Generating HTML and Generating LaTeX for more information.

% some preamble stuff
Introduction usually goes here
module MyPaper where
  open import Prelude
  five : Nat
  five = 2 + 3
Now, conclusions!