

If you are looking for information on how to use copatterns with coinductive records, please visit the section on coinduction.

Consider the following record:

record Enumeration (A : Set) : Set where
  constructor enumeration
    start    : A
    forward  : A  A
    backward : A  A

This gives an interface that allows us to move along the elements of a data type A.

For example, we can get the “third” element of a type A:

open Enumeration

3rd : {A : Set}  Enumeration A  A
3rd e = forward e (forward e (forward e (start e)))

Or we can go back 2 positions starting from a given a:

backward-2 : {A : Set}  Enumeration A  A  A
backward-2 e a = backward (backward a)
    open Enumeration e

Now, we want to use these methods on natural numbers. For this, we need a record of type Enumeration Nat. Without copatterns, we would specify all the fields in a single expression:

open Enumeration

enum-Nat : Enumeration Nat
enum-Nat = record
  { start    = 0
  ; forward  = suc
  ; backward = pred
    pred : Nat  Nat
    pred zero    = zero
    pred (suc x) = x

test₁ : 3rd enum-Nat  3
test₁ = refl

test₂ : backward-2 enum-Nat 5  3
test₂ = refl

Note that if we want to use automated case-splitting and pattern matching to implement one of the fields, we need to do so in a separate definition.

With copatterns, we can define the fields of a record as separate declarations, in the same way that we would give different cases for a function:

open Enumeration

enum-Nat : Enumeration Nat
start    enum-Nat = 0
forward  enum-Nat n = suc n
backward enum-Nat zero    = zero
backward enum-Nat (suc n) = n

The resulting behaviour is the same in both cases:

test₁ : 3rd enum-Nat  3
test₁ = refl

test₂ : backward-2 enum-Nat 5  3
test₂ = refl

Copatterns in function definitions

In fact, we do not need to start at 0. We can allow the user to specify the starting element.

Without copatterns, we just add the extra argument to the function declaration:

open Enumeration

enum-Nat : Nat  Enumeration Nat
enum-Nat initial = record
  { start    = initial
  ; forward  = suc
  ; backward = pred
    pred : Nat  Nat
    pred zero    = zero
    pred (suc x) = x

test₁ : 3rd (enum-Nat 10)  13
test₁ = refl

With copatterns, the function argument must be repeated once for each field in the record:

open Enumeration

enum-Nat : Nat  Enumeration Nat
start    (enum-Nat initial) = initial
forward  (enum-Nat _) n = suc n
backward (enum-Nat _) zero    = zero
backward (enum-Nat _) (suc n) = n

Mixing patterns and co-patterns

Instead of allowing an arbitrary value, we want to limit the user to two choices: 0 or 42.

Without copatterns, we would need an auxiliary definition to choose which value to start with based on the user-provided flag:

open Enumeration

if_then_else_ : {A : Set}  Bool  A  A  A
if true  then x else _ = x
if false then _ else y = y

enum-Nat : Bool  Enumeration Nat
enum-Nat ahead = record
  { start    = if ahead then 42 else 0
  ; forward  = suc
  ; backward = pred
    pred : Nat  Nat
    pred zero    = zero
    pred (suc x) = x

With copatterns, we can do the case analysis directly by pattern matching:

open Enumeration

enum-Nat : Bool  Enumeration Nat
start    (enum-Nat true)  = 42
start    (enum-Nat false) = 0
forward  (enum-Nat _) n = suc n
backward (enum-Nat _) zero    = zero
backward (enum-Nat _) (suc n) = n


When using copatterns to define an element of a record type, the fields of the record must be in scope. In the examples above, we use open Enumeration to bring the fields of the record into scope.

Consider the first example:

enum-Nat : Enumeration Nat
start    enum-Nat = 0
forward  enum-Nat n = suc n
backward enum-Nat zero    = zero
backward enum-Nat (suc n) = n

If the fields of the Enumeration record are not in scope (in particular, the start field), then Agda will not be able to figure out what the first copattern means:

Could not parse the left-hand side start enum-Nat
Operators used in the grammar:
when scope checking the left-hand side start enum-Nat in the
definition of enum-Nat

The solution is to open the record before using its fields:

open Enumeration

enum-Nat : Enumeration Nat
start    enum-Nat = 0
forward  enum-Nat n = suc n
backward enum-Nat zero    = zero
backward enum-Nat (suc n) = n